3 simple steps to making your website content more useful

One thing we come across time and time again with website content is that it’s about the organisation. We’re wonderful, we’ve done this, we’ve done that. Your visitors aren’t really coming to read about how great you think you are. They want to know why you’re great … for them.
When people visit your website it’s about them. They have a plan in mind. They’re either ready to buy or researching their options. If they’re ready to buy, they want to know why they should buy from you. If they’re researching their options, they want to know how your product will work for them.
Is posting articles like your annual report or the latest contract you’ve won the best use for your website news? Most likely not. So the question becomes, how do you know what to post on you website? Make it about them. By them, I mean your audience.
To help you get started I’ve come up with few simple questions for you to answer. Answering these questions will you thinking about who you your audience is and what they’re looking for. With this in mind you can create a plan for creating content that connects with your customers.
Make it about them and you’ll be on your way to closing the sale.
- Who are you targeting? What age are they? Are they male or female? Are they families or parents? What is their income range? What do they do in their free time? Do they care for other people? Do they have any special hobbies? etc
The more you can narrow down your audience the easier it is to create targeted content.
- Why are they visiting your website? What answers are they trying to find by visiting your site? Anticipate the questions your audience has. Many times they're not even aware of the questions they have.
By preemptively answering their questions you're making it easy for them.
People like easy.
By providing them with what they want they remember that it’s easy working with you (or buying from you).
- What information can you provide them to help them decide to purchase your product or service?
Things like reassurance, credibility, calls to action, case studies, guarantees all go a long way to helping the purchasing decision. Looking at your target market, what are their pains? What are their problems? How can you ease their pain?
The take away
Know your audience and make it easy for them.
We can help you target your audience. We offer consulting and content writing services. Call now 03 5439 5801 for a free no obligation consultation to discuss your needs.