Is Yellow Pages Advertising Still Working For You?

I've been chatting with a client today, that up until now, uses Yellow Pages for advertising. If you’re currently using Yellow Pages for advertising, I want to ask you a few questions …
- How many clients are you getting from yellow pages? In a week? A month? A year?
- What is the value of those clients to you?
- What percentage of your revenue is coming from the Yellow Pages clients?
- What percentage of your advertising spend is going to Yellow Pages vs other advertising streams?
- Is this still a worthwhile expense for your business?
- When you search on Google for your business name, is your Yellow Pages listing showing up?
When you break things down this way, you have the opportunity to evaluate what marketing is working and what isn’t.
For the client I was chatting to, we determined that the number of clients & revenue was less than 5%, yet it was one of their largest advertising spends.
If your answers show that Yellow Pages may no longer be the best spend for your advertising dollars, you might wonder where you can better use those dollars to bring in clients.
If you’re interested to find out more, let’s jump on a call together and we’ll work out what’ll work for your business 03 54 39 5801.
Photo by Olena Sergienko on Unsplash